August 6, 2018: It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?


It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme currently hosted by The Book Date. It’s a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week, and add to that ever-growing TBR stack.


I sat with my planner first thing this morning, and already everything I’d slotted for this AM has been juggled. It’s not even noon on a Monday, but if these past few hours are any indication, this week is going to be…interesting. Dear universe let this not be representative of my entire week, thanks.

Let’s chat books. I did finish one ARC for #ARCAugust– The Girl and the Grove by Eric Smith, which was quiet and magical. I listened to Rainn Wilson‘s book on audio but I wasn’t impressed. 

This week I plan to finish:

It’s been exactly a year since surgery today, and it feels a bit weird. It’s easy to think about progress physically but I’m still discovering that there’s a bunch of things the whole experience did to my mental health that I’m still navigating a year later. Some days are hard, and I’m reconciling with pain being a part of my life, but the truth is, I just got really lucky a year ago for things to happen when they did, where they did, how they did and most everything since. I’ll take that for now. 

Talk to me about your reading lives, friends!



Author: Janani @ The Shrinkette

Speed reading aficionado. Unapologetic book pusher. Point me to the nearest bookshelf. My blog is dedicated exclusively to supporting and promoting marginalized voices. Pronouns: They/them

5 thoughts on “August 6, 2018: It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?”

  1. Hugs to you! Surgery is a big deal. Take it in pieces.

    I am super curious about Anger is a Gift and the Girl and the Grove. I need to get those on my library list. I’m trying to finish the Hazel Wood. I have seen so much love for it. IDK why I’m slow with this one.


  2. HUG I am not surprised there were mental health repercussions for the surgery, but I also think you’re doing an amazing job navigating that. You are the best!

    I am rereading a very silly series of historical mystery novels that if I’d read them for the first time just recently, I don’t know if I’d be able to love them the same. But as it is, I have some moments where I’m like “ugh why” and then most of the time I enjoy them. The sleuth’s son has now grown up and become sexy and developed an unrequited love and is going to spend the next four books doing enough pining to fill up a whole forest. Yay.


  3. Those all look quite good! I just started an own-voices Japanese crime thriller today called Last Winter, We Parted by Fuminori Nakamura. I’m super excited for it as it’s one of most-anticipated reads. 🙂 Have an excellent reading week! 💖

